Dane Herbert
Commenced Boxing at eighteen winning
the 1990 'Old Olympic Style Boxing'
Novice & Intermediate Welter Championships and boxed in
the first
specialised boxing competitions conducted by the Australian
Academy of Boxing in October 1992.
Click for video clip.
Action shot of Dane and Andrew Ormerod
boxing in a Golden Gloves match in 2003.
Dane achieved the Academy's highest
*** Rating 9 ***
standard in 1995 and
the Australian Academy of Boxing
'Gold Cup'
is engraved with the names of Academy Network
Boxers achieving that rating.
Dane travelled to the UK in 1998-99
to box at his Dad's old gym the 'West Ham Boxing Club'
picking up a best boxer award and valuable boxing
West Ham Coaches
Johnny and Roy
with Dane & Award.
Dane regained his Academy Gold Cup 'Rating 9'
in 2003 after a spell out of boxing. Then blasted all the
opposition aside to win the Victorian Middleweight Boxing
Crown when he competed at the 2004 'Old Olympic Style'
Dane & Colleen with sons Alfie, Sullivan & Harry
born just three weeks after this photograph.